Rodolfo Vieira beats Bernardo Faria by a guard pass, in the first of two encounters between the two on the day.
Rodolfo Vieira beats Bernardo Faria by a guard pass, in the first of two encounters between the two on the day.
RoosterweightBruno Malfacine and Caio Terra draw at 2-2 but Malfa takes it on an advantage point, becoming four time world champion.
Light Featherweight
Guilherme Mendes and Ary Farias closed out for Atos
Guilherme Mendes and Ary Farias closed out for Atos
Rafael Mendes and Augusto Tanquinho draw at 4-4 after exchange of sweeps, but Mendes leads by 2 advantage points to 1. It is the first time brothers Rafael and Guilherme are champions at the same Worlds.
Rafael Mendes and Augusto Tanquinho draw at 4-4 after exchange of sweeps, but Mendes leads by 2 advantage points to 1. It is the first time brothers Rafael and Guilherme are champions at the same Worlds.
Gilbert Durinho outpoints Kron Gracie by 9-2. Kron took the lead with a sweep but Durinho swept back and followed up with a guard pass and then another sweep.
Gilbert Durinho outpoints Kron Gracie by 9-2. Kron took the lead with a sweep but Durinho swept back and followed up with a guard pass and then another sweep.
Marcelo Garcia vs. Lucas Leite
Marcelo Garcia vs. Lucas Leite
Medium Heavyweight
Rômulo Barral vs. Sérgio Moraes
Rômulo Barral vs. Sérgio Moraes
Super Heavyweight
Léo Nogueira vs. João Assis
Léo Nogueira vs. João Assis
Antonio Braga Neto vs. Rodrigo Cavaca
Antonio Braga Neto vs. Rodrigo Cavaca
Female final results:
Light Featherweight
Letícia Ribeiro defeated Nyjah Easton by 3 to 2.
Letícia Ribeiro defeated Nyjah Easton by 3 to 2.
Michelle Nicoline defeated Kyra Gracie.
Michelle Nicoline defeated Kyra Gracie.
Luanna Alzuguir submitted Luiza Monteiro
Luanna Alzuguir submitted Luiza Monteiro
Hannette Staack submitted Ida Josefin.
Hannette Staack submitted Ida Josefin.
Medium heavyweightTalita Treta defeated Penny Thomas
HeavyweightGabi Garcia submitted Emily Wetzel